Looking for reproductive health support and guidance?

Get your questions about fertility awareness or Abdominal Therapy answered by a healing partner ready to listen to your needs and concerns.

Use the calendar below to set a complimentary consult with multi-certified fertility educator and massage therapist, Donna Zubrod - Founder of Seven Generations Reproductive Wellness.

You’ll receive a calendar confirmation by email after booking.




For our practice email, phone, and more direct contact information, visit Contact Us.


Why a consult?

Donna offers all new clients a complimentary 20-minute consult. This is an opportunity for dialog and question exchange so that Donna can understand what you are hoping to achieve with her as your holistic wellness partner and you can learn more about her services.  Donna’s work is specialized and her services are scheduled according to where you are in your pregnancy, where you are in your cycle, where you are in your treatment plan with other care providers, or what you’re hoping to achieve with learning fertility awareness. Your discussion with Donna will guide both of you about the best way to move forward, if you decide to work together.

Initial consults are usually scheduled in the evenings. If the available times are not convenient for you, reach out to Donna directly and she will see what she can arrange for you.


Curious why our practice is called “Seven Generations?”

Learn the story here.